The Center has an innovative approach to interdisciplinary inquiry.
Researchers accepted into our program participate in a research cycle of virtual, resident, and public inquiry on questions of global concern.
Our research groups pursue collaborative research in three phases:
Virtual Inquiry
First, the group meets virtually for a semester to discuss research papers in academic disciplines relevant to the interdisciplinary theme, becoming conversant in new research literatures.
For example, the Center’s current Inquiry on Thriving in Diverse Contexts includes a semester of critical readings in psychology for theologies of thriving.
Resident Inquiry
Then, the group comes into residence for a semester at the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton, New Jersey to pursue research, informed by the readings in the virtual semester.
While in residence, the group spends a four-day week together in the Center, Monday to Thursday, working in adjacent studies, and discussing work in progress in a weekly colloquy.
Public Inquiry
Throughout this research cycle of virtual and resident inquiry, group members will have opportunity to share their work in progress and collaborative research with wider publics.
For example, the Center has a podcast series called Theology Matters in which researchers in our program discuss their work in progress on the Center’s interdisciplinary themes.
A Continuing Cycle
Research groups that have completed this cycle of virtual, resident, and public inquiry will have the opportunity to reconvene in a virtual workshop, sharing work done after time in residence.
We think this is a great program, but it is not right for every great researcher. Our research cycle is extensive in time and intensive in commitment. But if you are looking for a collaborative research program that will enhance your interdisciplinary skills, this may be for you.