Board of Trustees
As an independent nonprofit organization, the Center of Theological Inquiry is governed by a Board of Trustees with fiduciary responsibility to elect its Director, ensure best practice in its nonprofit governance and management, steward its assets and expand its resources in advancement of its founding and enduring mission. The Board’s Trustees and Officers are:
Roy Lennox
Gayle Robinson
Vice Chair
Jon Pott
Robert Wedeking
Fred Anderson
Darrell Armstrong
Bette Jane (B.J) Booth
Robert Gunn
Douglas Leonard
William Storrar
Charles Wall
In Memoriam
Judith Scheide
The Founders
James I. McCord
Roland M. Frye
Harold H. Helm
Henryk R. de Kwiatkowski
David E. Lilienthal
Henry Luce III
Robert E. Meyner
W. Beverly Murphy
William H. Scheide
William H. Sword
John M Templeton
James I. McCord (1919-1990)
An international figure in national and international church affairs, James I. McCord is remembered as man of unbounded energy and insight. Educated at the universities of Texas, Harvard, and Edinburgh, he was pastor of churches in New Hampshire and Texas, taught philosophy at the University of Texas, and served as Dean of the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary before assuming the presidency of Princeton Theological Seminary at age 39. He led the Seminary from 1959 until his retirement in 1983. During that time, he conceived of the Center of Theological Inquiry and, together with an eminent board of trustees, incorporated it with the State of New Jersey in 1978 as a nonprofit for interdisciplinary research on theology.